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Silver Dollar Coins Collection



Collecting old silver dollar coins is one of the hobbies that appeals to a lot of people. But, there is one thing that must be bear in mind in terms of collection silver dollar coins and this is its appeal. The silver dollar coins have several designers, depending on its date of production. The variety of designs is mainly because of the early practices that were once employed such as the hand graved ones. These silver dollar coins were made around the 19th century. These were the ones that struck the U.S. Mint containing a particular aura about their designs that has truly made silver dollar coins appealing to many collectors.


The us silver dollar coin is the only denomination that minted each year from its starting point up to the first 10 years of mint productions. Since there was a continuous exploration of the United States dollars, former Presidents Thomas Jefferson ceased the productions of these silver dollars. The United States dollars were immediately replaced by the heavier Spanish Reale and the United States coins were sent right away to the Caribbean.


After some time, these coins were returned back to United States and recoined into additional United States dollar with the exported taking possession on various silver contents. This procedure will make sure that there will be no silver dollar coins that would circulate within the country; however, the old silver dollar coins will be exported while the timeworn, foreign money will remain circulating in the United States. This was called the Gresham's law. To know more about currencies, visit this website at


Similar process was used for a specific period of time after the commencement of the 20th century. Any coin that has a lot of precious metals must be melted down and sold as bullion, while the coins that are very light should be exported to different countries wherein they will be exchanged for much heavier coins. The difficulty of sustaining the balance of these processes has led to the cessation of gold in minting coins during the early 1930s with silver following similar route in the late 1960s.


These days, the liberty silver dollar coins are of greater significance to coin collectors than they were in the past decades. Even though these coins might not hold a great worth as legal tender in a lot of instances they are valuable to investors and collectors. The old coins have higher value whenever it is not common simply because coin collectors would be more willing to pay for it even if it is pricey. This is also true for the investors. The more difficult a coin to find, the more the coin collectors would look for it and pay for it.

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